G.I. Josie – Nonprofit for Female PTSD & MST

About Us

G.I. Josie, Inc., is a 501(c)3 nonprofit designed to meet the needs of women veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Military Sexual Trauma. Children of women veterans are included in our programs, as well, as our research has shown that the VA does not offer programs that help our women and their children heal together, programs that bring non-clinical therapies to the vet and child, and no programs that provide these therapies 24 hours a day, seven days a week for as long as the vet needs to heal. Josie will address all these challenges by providing what will be a Transitional Community Ranch that will provide a safe, sane and secure environment in which our women veterans have the opportunity to heal together with their children and other female veterans suffering similar traumas. It is said that no one heals a Vet like a Vet, and we will put that adage into practice.

Currently and until the Ranch is created, we are providing programs to women veterans at various locations throughout Monterey County.

Funding Needs

Our current need is funding by way of donations and/or sponsorship. As Josie is a 501 (c)(3), all donations are tax deductible to the extent as allowed by law. Ideally, we would like to find “angel” donors/sponsors, groups or corporations who would purchase a selected property, then donate it back to Josie and take their write-off as best suits their situation. Although Josie can offer different donation parameters, individual or corporate tax questions should always include an Enrolled Agent or Tax Attorney.

Nevertheless, the benefactor would be given the rights to use their support of our veterans via Josie in any and all of their advertising campaigns as well as PR and marketing materials.  In addition, any large donation would come with naming rights to one or multiple residential barns and/or ranch buildings.  All large donations should be directed to our COO, Charles Messimer, who can be reached at 831-246-1481. We greatly appreciate any and all donations, no matter the size. Thank you.