The next morning, according to Ohu’s handwritten accounts, she awoke confused and scared. She was naked and smelled bile in the air. Her eyes were swollen and her hair was tangled. …
Military Rape Cases Have No Statute of Limitations, Supreme Court Decides
In an 8-0 opinion issued Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that military personnel accused of a rape between 1986 and 2006 — a period previously subject to a five-year statute…
Wilkie Disparaged Congressional Aide Who Alleged Sexual Assault at VA Facility
Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie disparaged a veteran who claimed she was sexually assaulted at a VA hospital and sought to undermine her credibility, a new…
Probe finds ‘permissive environment for sexual assault’ at the Army base
An independent review found that the command climate at the Fort Hood military base in Texas created a “permissive environment for sexual assault and sexual harassment.
Remains Of Four Pearl Harbor Sailors ID’d as Nation Marks 79th Anniversary of Attacks
Officially, the U.S. death toll in the Dec. 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor is 2,403. But the books have yet to be closed on identifying the available remains of more than 150 of those killed…
Midshipman Sydney Barber had her doubts about applying for the top student leadership position at the U.S. Naval Academy. A Black woman had never held the post in the 44 years women …
The Marine Corps is charging her with attempted murder
The Marine Corps is pressing charges, including attempted murder, against a Virginia Beach corporal who has been locked up in a Chesapeake brig for months while her family publicly…
National Guard soldier killed herself after being gang-raped by colleagues
A devoted Army National Guard soldier killed herself after she reported being sexually assaulted on the job — but the military branch did nothing to help, according to her mom. “To…
Air Force Tests New ‘G-Suit’ Designed for Female Pilots
For 20 years, ATAGS (Advanced Technology Anti-Gravity Suit) had been designed for men. The redesigned suit has better adjustment straps to accommodate a variety of body types and…
Service members suicide prevention
The stigma around mental health in the military creates an environment where service members experience anxiety due to a fear that seeking help could end their career. “Will it mean…
Heroic Female Army Medic Receives Silver Star For Bravery In Afghanistan
This story and video are about a young woman, Monica Lin Brown, an Army Health Care Specialist, otherwise known as a Medic, who was awarded a Silver Star for her heroic actions under …
In Tribute To The Women Who Have Fallen In Service To The Nation
Those who go to war in defense of the nation know at some deep level that they might not come home. Like any person full of the vigor of life and yearning to fulfill dreams for their lives,…
How Veteran’s Day was founded
Soldiers have been held up has heroes as long as man has been at war. From biblical warriors to Greek gods and goddesses of war, there is no shortage of honor bestowed on those who vow to…
Protected: test
We Remember. We Honor. We Are Grateful.
As you go through your Memorial Day celebrations, please take a moment to honor and remember those who served and gave ultimately of themselves so that we may enjoy our freedoms. We …
Kelly Was A Lovely Girl
Kelly Was A Lovely Girl
– Kelly Marion Potter, USA Veteran
Kelly was a lovely girl with thoughtful, caring ways.
She wanted just to love the world and brighten up our days.
And …
“I felt like the system was raping me all over again”
Approximately one in three service members who indicated they had been a victim of sexual assault reported it to a superior within the military, roughly the same rate as 2016, and military…